Read the nine page action plan in its entirety. SAPC_Albion_2012_Action-Plan
Or view the parts of the plan that interest you the most:
- Pages 1-2 Capacity Building
- Pages 3-4 Prevention
- Page 5 Prescription Drug Abuse
- Pages 6-7 Tobacco Use by Minors
- Pages 8-9 Marijuana
- DEA National Take Back Event
- Provide local trainings to increase professional and community capacity to address substance abuse in the Greater Albion area.
- Provide local support to Albion Public Schools in becoming Tobacco-free
- Conduct adult and youth focus groups on substance abuse related issues
- Alcohol and Tobacco education to retailers
- Evaluate current substance abuse prevention programming in the Greater Albion area
- Provide a connection point to local substance abuse services in the Greater Albion area as well as in Calhoun County
2013 Meeting Schedule
Steering Committee Meeting Dates
- April 9, 2013
- June 11, 2013
- August 13, 2013
- October 8, 2013
- December 10, 2013
Regular Coalition Meeting Dates
- May 14, 2013
- July 9, 2013
- September 10, 2013
- November 12, 2013
Other workgroups meet as needed. All meetings are held at Albion Health Care Alliance, 309 North Superior Street, Albion, Michigan, 49224 in the Conference Room. Steering and Coalition meeting are held on the above dates from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm.
Excerpts from the Action Plan
Focus: Development of an Organizational Structure
for the Albion SAPC
1. Review current MiPHY data as well as other data specific to Albion (use countywide data in the absence of data for Albion)
2. Develop priorities for FY 2010-11 based on data
3. Invite other groups into Coalition to share data (i.e., Venture Behavioral Health, Drug Court, Juvenile Home, etc.)
4. Collaborate with SAC’s Data Committee to conduct a survey focused on adults to gather additional information about substance use, attitudes, and behaviors
5. Collaborate with SAC to prepare Calhoun County Schools for participation in MiPHY (for FY 2011-12)
6. Produce a one to two page summary of Albion substance abuse data
Compilation of local data (specific to Albion) compiled and shared with the Coalition and community
Focus Area (Consequence): Prevention of Underage Drinking and Consumption of other AToD and illegal drugs (Focus in this County: Methamphetamine, Marijuana* and Social Access to Tobacco by minors) level) * non-medial use of Marijuana
1. Conduct two community presentations (one presentation on each topic: marijuana/medical; prescription drub abuse/medicine abuse)
Objective: Schedule dates and organizations to present information on medical marijuana and medicine abuse
2. Develop and implement two campaigns – focus on medicine/prescription abuse and medical marijuana
Objective: Hold two take back events in the community and educate community members on proper medicine
Additional Focus Areas:
Focus Area: Prescription (Rx) and Over-the-Counter (OTC) Drug Abuse/Misuse (non-medical use of medication)
Focus Area: Under Age Consumption of Tobacco Products as a consequence of Retail Access (Federally mandated Synar and related activities for verification of compliance with the Youth Tobacco Act, YTA).
Focus Area: Alcohol Related Traffic Crash Consequences