Tuesday, January 8, 2013
11:30 am to 1:00 pm
New Hope Church, 13600 28 Mile Road
Albion, MI 49224
Members Present: Joe Domingo, Mike Peters, Allen Henson, Daun Kittinger, Chris Farmer, Maureen Reed, Rod Ferguson, Nidia Wolf, Art Kale
Consultant and Staff Present: Terry Langston
Guests: David Arend |
Welcome and Introductions – meeting called to order at 11:43 am by Mayor Domingo.
Agenda and Meeting Minutes – Agenda for January 8, 2013 was presented. No changes to meeting agenda. Minutes for November 13, 2012 were presented. Motion made by Henson, supported by Peters to approve the agenda as is as well as the meeting minutes dated January 8, 2013.
Agenda for 1/8/13 approved. Meeting minutes for 11/13/12 approved by consensus.
Priority Area #3 – Reduce Underage Smoking
- Langston shared that vendor education visits were underway and that at least 60 would be completed by February 2013.
- Langston shared that he met with retailers in the fall and that many of them attending the meeting are involved in promoting responsible tobacco sales.
- Langston shared that Synar would take place between the middle of February 2013 through March 5.
Priority Area #4 – Marijuana
- Langston noted that he would be meeting with Dt. Kern, Mayor Domingo, and Chief Kipp to look at how the City Council is working on the marijuana issue. Langston also noted that Ken Stecker is being contacted regarding a presentation to the Coalition and invited community members. Time frame for presentations would likely occur in February or early March.
Priority Area #5 – Capacity Building
- Langston and Domingo reviewed the agenda for the data workshop. Domingo noted that it is important for Coalition members to be present as this is about understanding the data that we have to date around substance abuse. Langston shared that the key speakers would be Dr. Cook from the CISD, Kyleen Gray with Venture Behavioral Health, and Sara Rockhill from the County Health Department.
- Langston discussed DFC Grant application noting that a technical assistance workshop would be coming up in February if the group wishes someone to attend. The cost would be about $1,000 for flight, hotel, food, etc. Langston noted concerns for the upcoming application that included absence in sector representation for students, business and volunteer/civic. He also noted some concerns regarding what the Coalition would focus on given the parameters of the grant (not program focused). Two members noted that we might want to hold off applying for the grant this year.
- Domingo shared that Kittinger has resigned her position due to consulting for SAPS. Langston noted that Wolf has agreed to serve as secretary and treasurer for the Coalition. Reed moved, supported by Kale to approve Nidia Wolf as the new secretary and treasurer for the Coalition.
Peters asked that Langston work with the Steering Committee on the DFC grant, his concerns and the costs for attending the technical assistance workshop. [Langston would send an e-mail to Bonner, Domingo and Peters regarding the costs for attending the technical assistance workshop; the three would look at budget to see if we could make it work]
Motion approved to install Wolf as new secretary and treasurer for the Coalition
- Domingo and Langston noted that they would follow up with Chief Kipp regarding the Lock Box, not sure where things stand currently with the lock box and being able to promote its use.
- Langston shared that he is working with the 3 pharmacists to begin promoting the lock box once Chief Kipp gives us t3he go ahead. He is designing posters to be shared as well as a half sheet that the 3 pharmacists have agreed to distribute with refills. He will also be working with them to sign an MOU regarding promotion of the lock box and their work with the Coalition in addressing prescription medication abuse.
- Kittinger shared that the Mayor’s Youth Council is working on a few things including a youth forum. Stay tune for more information.
Open Floor
- Reed introduced David Arend with Albion College. David is interested in attending Coalition meetings time permitting.
Next Meeting – Domingo reminded Coalition members about the data workshop and asked members to make sure to RSVP to Langston. Domingo also reminded members of the new schedule of meetings; February will be a Steering Committee month, March will be the next time the full Coalition meets.
Steering Committee to meet on 2/12/13
Next Coalition meeting will be on 3/12/13 |
Adjournment – Peters moved, supported by Henson to adjourn the meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 12:54 pm.
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